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Thank You For Selecting The Montage Maker!

We can’t wait to get started on your project! We’ve put together some simple directions below to help make it easy.

Getting Started With Your Montage

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Find Your Pictures and Videos

IDENTIFY IMAGES: Your first step is to go through pictures and videos that you might want included in your montage.  Pick more than you think you’ll need, we’ll try to include as many as we can.

SORT IMAGES: As you go through your pictures and videos, think about the segments you’ve probably discussed with us and sort them into matching folders (for example, “Baby” or “Travels”).

PRIORITIZE IMAGES: Take your best pictures and place them in a folder marked “A” – these are the ones you’d really like included in your video. Move all the rest into a folder named “B”. You can never have too many photos in your “B” folder! You never know when we’re looking for a particular image or video to match what’s happening in the songs you’ve selected.

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Get Your Files to Us

There are several ways to get your images and videos to us:

DROPBOX LINK: We’ll send you a link where you can upload all of your files.  Easy!

YOUR CLOUD FOLDER: You can send us a link to your files on your own Dropbox, Google, WeTransfer or other cloud-based file.

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Fill Out Agreement

Fill out the simple agreement between us by clicking on the button below.  It spells out the details of working together and outlines the 100% refund policy of your retainer fee if you decide not to continue with us.

Please review and agree to the terms in our Agreement.

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Submit Your Retainer

Submit a fully refundable $500 retainer fee.

Payment is securely processed by Stripe.

Add Logo Animation

Want us to animate your logo and add it as an open and/or close for your video montage? We’d love to! Cost to add animation is $125. Want us to create a logo? We can do that too! Check out our gallery for samples and contact The Montage Maker for more information.

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Review and Approve "Rough Cut"

We’ll get working right away on your montage. You will soon receive from us a “rough cut” of a segment to get an idea of what your project will look like.

Rough Cuts are not necessarily color-corrected, and probably don’t have all the effects added in yet. They are a work-in-progress!

You’ll review our work, provide feedback on this (and each additional segment), maybe ask us to switch some pictures or to add one that might not have been included.

If for any reason, after viewing the first segment rough cut, you do not think we are heading in the right direction, we will refund 100% of your retainer.

We’re confidant that won’t happen, and instead you’ll give is the go ahead to move forward!

We’ll continue this process the entire time with constant check-ins to solicit your feedback.

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Review And Approve Final Edit

We’ll send you a finished version, where you can review it and make any final adjustments before the big show!

Upon your approval, we’ll create a final edit in High Definition and provide the video to you via a link.

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Submit Final Payment

Once you’ve received everything from us, you’ll submit your final payment.

We’re so happy you’ve trusted The Montage Maker with your event montage, THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS!

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