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Frequently Asked Questions About Bar/Bat Mitzvah Montages

These are some of our most asked questions, but we’d love to talk with you about your unique event and discuss how we can create the perfect video for you.  Contact us now!

What Really Makes The Montage Maker The Best For Me?

Quality of production.  That’s the difference. (Plus, we think you’ll like working with us, but it’s the quality of your video montage that makes our montages the best.)

Two things make our quality unique: Customization and Experience.

Many montage producers ask you to send them a certain number of pictures numbered in the order you want them to appear in your video. They then take your numbered images and drop them into a pre-made template and they are done! The whole process may take an hour or two.

We ask you to send us ALL the pictures and videos you love. We then pick the right images in the right order to tell the story we want to tell. We customize our animations and transitions as well as custom edit each song. We work with you and get to know you.

Our video montages stand out from most you will see because of our experience in broadcast production and understanding of what makes a good, watchable video.

Other producers spit out a final product that looks like it was fed into a special-effects machine!  We don’t try to impress you with all the video tricks we know, we impress you by capturing the mood engaging you and your audience.


Watch one of our videos and you’ll understand.

How Many Of My Pictures Will You Use?

As many as we can, much of it depends on the type of music that you select for your segments. We custom edit each segment to the music, so fast-paced songs tend to have more images than slower ones.

A rough estimate would be 40-60 for a slower song and 65-85 for a faster song. In total we’d love to get at least 250 – 300 pictures/videos from you.

What is A "Segment"?

We use the term “segment” to refer to a unique portion of your video. Each segment has its own music track and feeling to it.

For Bar/Bat Mitzvah montages segments might include:

  • baby
  • childhood
  • friends
  • family

For wedding montages, segments might include:

  • bride growing up
  • groom growing up
  • friends
  • the couple together

What Songs Should I Use?

Your producer will definitely help you find the right music for your montage.

Usually we start by having you look through some of our music ideas. Then we’ll help you figure out if there are songs that have special meaning for you. We’ll guide you through the process until we find the songs that are perfect for YOU!

Can You Create a Logo For Me?


Our design team will work with you to create a logo that captures the theme and personality of your event.

Use it on all your decorations – all rights of use are yours!

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